Admission Criteria
The followings are the criteria for admission into the Junior Secondary School section of the school effective from 1st August 2016. The said criteria are applicable during 2016/2017 academic session and thereafter unless otherwise reviewed and publically notified. The Management has reserved right to review the criteria without notice and the public must be notified for any changes through available means before the changes take effect. It is however to be noted that any person so admitted into the School through other means than specified, and the matter come to the knowledge of the authority, and the authority proved the case beyond reasonable doubt, shall be summarily expel from the school in respective of how long he or she has been in the school.
Below are the criteria:
1. Admission into the School is to be sourced from public Primary schools within the catchment area of the school. Pupils to be admitted must pass prescribe interview conducted by the school. This class of pupils shall constitute 80% of the student intake during the session.
2. Graduates of public primary school outside the catchment area of the school who passed prescribe interview conducted by the school may have the privilege of been admitted into the school
3. Graduates of other school within Katsina metropolis or whose parents are residing within the metropolis may have privilege been admitted into the school
4. Any member of Katsina Education Development Forum shall have the privilege of having his/her ward admitted into the school subject to passing prescribe interview conducted by the school
5. Staff members of Gafai Community Secondary School shall have the privilege of having their child/ward been admitted into the school subject to passing prescribe interview conducted by the school
6. Senior members of the security community within Katsina metropolis may have the privilege of having their child/ward been admitted into the school subject to passing of interview conducted by the school
6. Senior members of the security community within Katsina metropolis may have the privilege of having their child/ward been admitted into the school subject to passing of interview conducted by the school
6. Senior members of the security community within Katsina metropolis may have the privilege of having their child/ward been admitted into the school subject to passing of interview conducted by the school